Cooking Workshop: Jamaican Me Hungry!

The first Jamaican-themed cooking workshop I hosted was such a hit, that I decided to have another one! If you’ve always wanted to learn how some Jamaican food was made, or just love the tasty food from this island, then this class is for you.

Discover some of the enticing flavours of the Caribbean as you prepare some authentic dishes from the island of Jamaica! In this hands-on class, I will guide you through a menu of the unique flavours that I grew up with. You’ll learn some time-saving tips and how to work with popular Caribbean ingredients such as codfish, coconut, and ackee.

On the Menu:

  • Ackee + Saltfish Fritters
  • Festival (Jamaican fried dumpling)
  • Gizzada (coconut pastry)
  • Carrot Juice

We will be making everything from scratch and there will be time at the end of class to enjoy the meal everyone helps create (and take some home if there’s any left)! The cost is $40 per person and well worth it! I will also provide recipe sheets so that you can practice re-creating the delicious island treats at home.

There’s only a few days left to register for the class online (you can also purchase tickets in store at the 77 Samor Rd. location). Visit the Russell Hendrix website and sign up for Saturday’s workshop!

Jamaican Me Hungry Cooking Class

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    1. Hi there! Sorry for the delay. I don't have another public Jamaican cooking class planned at the moment, but you're free to book me for a private class for you and your friends!

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