Canada’s New Food Guide Unveiled
I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the new Canada’s Food Guide is a lot more concise than it’s predasessor, and offers simplified advice on healthy eating. The updated version of the 2007 document was released this morning by Health Minister Ginette Petipas Taylor.

Gone are the four “food groups”, which consisted of milk and milk products; meat and meat alternatives, fruits and vegeatables; and grain products. The new food guide now has three: fruits and vegetables; whole grains; and proteins (which would include dairy and meat).
The main image of the guide is a single plate of food that’s half-filled with fruits and vegetables, with the remaining half evenly split with whole grains and proteins. This gives an easy-to-remember visual for what proportions can make up a healthy and balanced meal. There’s an obvious focus on eating more plant-based proteins (e.g. lentils, beans, nuts).
Another emphasis in the new guide is the importance of drinking more water, and limiting sugary beverages. As always, people should also be conscious about reading the labels on different food packaging to make sure you’re making informed choices at the grocery store.
Now, as much as I love me a good slice of bacon or a wheel of brie, it’s nice to see a focus on fruits and vegetables. I’ve also been meaning to add more healthy whole grains and legumes to my diet.
Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat. The revamped guide not only contains dietary guidelines for healthy eating, but also recommendations, such as eating less processed foods, and cooking meals more often.
It’s easy to head to the drive-thru or order in, but there’s a lot of value and benefit to cooking your meals at home (that’s right: from scratch with raw ingredients). This is the main reason why I started Now You’re Cooking, and to teach people that the kitchen is nothing to be afraid of! Cooking is an important life skill that you can pass down through your family for generations. The guide’s website even has a small library of recipes which you can try out at home.
The 2019 Canada’s Food Guide is a valuable resource of information that everyone can use to eat well and live well. If your feeling nostalgic, you can take a look at all the published versions of Canada’s Food Guide from 1942 on the Government of Canada’s website.

The guide has definitely evolved over the years. But for now, to check out the detailed in the latest version, visit You can also download a handy, educational PDF poster here.